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A Welcoming Road

Driving through the Rocky Mountains (2008)

For a while,

the condensation has sat like cotton

Above the mountain peaks.

I watch the landscape roll by

As we drive into the root of the Rockies.

They are rigid and mysterious mountains —

Teeming with life.

Unpredictable and dangerous.

I watch the concrete path as I ride,

it summons to guide me through the giants

From mighty cliffs to peaceful prairies

It summons to lead me into the heart

of the dirt, the rivers, and stones.

I trust the man made highway on each steep bend

as it courses like a river

through the mountains.

Little in my life can I say,

that I have a love for humanity.

But as my path pulsed on,

With the darkness drawing in the dusk

like a syringe,

Suddenly a light in the distance,

seemed friendly to me.

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