My words swirl like tornados
Tearing up roads and trees
Cuts instead of kisses
What I sow, I reap
My emotions move like hurricanes
Destroying all I have
Gales, chaos, heavy rains
Sweep across the land
My heart is quickly flooding
The rains won’t cease to fall
Higher, higher still
Up muddy banks I crawl
You must save yourself now
You need to get away
For I, I am the storm
I darken every day
With clouds and electric shocks
I pierce the sky - your heart
I do not want to do this
But I cannot stop
For I, I am the monsoon
I’m heavy winds and crashing waves
My love sinks ships and sailors
It makes one’s heart insane
You, if you must love me
Then love the thunderstorm
My rumble in the darkness
Fork lightning in my core
I, I cannot help it
This is who I am
I cannot be the sunshine
I am the howling wind